Soorya Singapore
“Tales from the Bull and the Tiger” – A unique retelling of the stories of Shiva & Shakti by their vahanas, Nandi and Simha (the vehicles of Shiva & Parvati)
This is a critically acclaimed choreographic masterpiece by the celebrated dance maestro Padmashree Ananda Shankar Jayant and group of 16 dancers from India.
“Ananda Shankar regales rasikas with enchanting tales of bull ..” (Times of India)
“From the word go it was a nonstop racy production which kept the audience in thrall. One could see the determination on Ananda’s part to culminate her artistic gifts with a riveting production ….” (Padmashri Sunil Kothari, the (late) celebrated dance critic)
Event also features a painting exhibition of original works by visual artists of Singapore at the auditorium foyer.
6 Jul 2024, 7.00pm | PGP Hall Auditorium
(Level 2, 397 Serangoon Road)
Get your tickets by clicking the buttons below
(Additional booking fee of $3.00 will apply)
(Additional booking fee of $2.00 will apply)
(Additional booking fee of $1.50 will apply)
Please Note :
When you click on one of the payment buttons above, you will be redirected to Product and then to Cart pages where you will be able to select the number of tickets. Then click on Proceed to checkout to make payment using any one of these methods: Credit Card / PayNow. Please note that for PayNow, your bank mobile app will indicate the payee name as “Stripe Payments Singapore Pte. Ltd.”
After payment is processed, a payment success (or failure) indication will be shown on screen and also a ticket download link. You may close your browser once you see a successful payment notification and downloaded the ticket. You will also get an email to your registered email ID in the Checkout page, where a ticket download link will be provded.
- Free seating within each category.
- Kindly bring the downloaded PDF ticket to the auditorium for verification at the gate and admission.
Once purchased, tickets are non-refundable, except in case of an event cancellation.
- Wishing you an exhilarating and elevating experience!
If you face any issues at any stage, please contact (+65) 9389 0407 for assistance via WhatsApp.